meal planning like a grown up

In order to help save some money, and also just be better about what we eat we have finely started meal planning.
We pick 6 meals for the week leaving room for one night out for family night, maybe some leftovers or even more likely that classic back up for people who just really don’t want to cook – frozen pizza.
So we pick 6 meals and make a shopping list based off of that list, with the hopes you’ll leave the store with only what you need to cook 6 full meals, and not a lot of things you don’t. Or even better, nothing you don’t need.

We are now on day 5, we did leftovers tonight already to work with our schedules and for the ease. But also because there where al ready a lot of them.
We are both quite proud of what we have done so far.

So in review, to make you all drool a little.

day 1:
Meat Pies with gravy.
nummy dinner meatpieMy sweetie made the dough for the crust from scratch, as well as the filing. Then when I got home, i helped row out the dough and cut it into squares (managing to spread flour EVERYWHERE in the process) and then he filled them. I also made  gravy, I forgot to buy beef broth so I used bouillon, but it all turned out delicious any way.

Shrimp & Kale soup.
soupTurned out very veggie/tomato-ey, but very good. We also subbed potatoes for beans. Boyfriend made it all by himself and added a little to much salt, because he also had a cold and couldn’t really taste it.






Baked Mac n’ Veggies with cheese.

20141118_175904My turn to cook tonight, easy meal, but not super healthy as it contains at least half a block of cream cheese, quarter cup of heavy cream and probably close to 4 cups of cheese, but it also had a bunch of veggies in it, so we’ll just ignore all that.





fish tacos.
(With no pictures because we ate that shit up.)
Again BF kind of took the reigns on this one. I was in a knitting frenzy. The kid did help some chopping I believe. Turned out pretty good too, but most things coated with sour cream and Sriracha taste good. 🙂

SO many leftovers

day6 was family night and we ended up having a night out with friends on day7. So that was our first week. This coming week is Thanksgiving so things will be be  a little off. I can’t say we saved much money, as we dropped almost 300 on groceries, but hopefully a lot of it is staples that we’ll have for a while. (Seriously we now have 3 bottles of bouillon).

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