Category Archives: Ranting

I’m feeling preachy or crabby or just need to get this off my mind.

new priorities

I’ve spent my summer in a bit of a slump.
My whole life just seems a bit slumped.
I’m still waiting for that moment where I discover I’ve grown up.
Like this should all be leading up to adulthood and it’s not.

11781709_10152997700515025_7689505730202640478_nI feel like I’ve spent the better part of my life working & waiting for good things to happen, so a life I loved would somehow fall into my lap.

I’m not saying I’ve been lazy, I certainly haven’t.
I put myself through 5 years of collage as a single mom, I averaged 3 to 4 hours of sleep a night. I finished with a 3.84 grade point average.
That’s not lazy.


But I couldn’t find a job afterwards.
Because I couldn’t or wouldn’t sell myself or my work.
That’s a lack of confidence.

I didn’t find the contacts I wanted and needed,
or make a lot of friends.
And that’s because I’m awkward as hell with people.

I’m can be easily discouraged, but thats still not lazy.
But it’s probably been the biggest factor of my downfall.
allowed other people to discourage me to easily, I asked them to define my value, and let my own perceptions of what they thought limit me.

I always wanted to be an artist, and artist of any kind. Someone who made things.
Beautiful things people would want and cherish.
But I took to heart what my parents had told me that there are only two types of artists in the world.
Professional and Starving.
And the world only had room for a handful of the first, so unless you were really really good or really really lucky, you better have a back up plan.
I understood that as “you in particular better have a back-up plan.
So I could make things, maybe great things, but only as a hobby.
Because grown-ups need a real job.

So I did the stuff I thought I was supposed to do, I finished high school, got a job, fell in love, got my heart broke, found a slightly better job.
And all of that time I was somewhat unhappy because I wanted to be somewhere else making. Be somebody else.

I had hoped the design/web thing would be that thing, where I got to be creative – enough. Where I got to make – something. Maybe it still might. Maybe I just need more practice.


But for now I’m going to focus on something I can do today and commit my self into my knitting. And hopefully by the end of the year I will have a functioning retail site.

I’m well aware my ingrained awkwardness and low self esteem will always be obstacles. But I need to do something, I need something that gets me up everyday (besides the dogs).
Something that helps make me independent again  and helps me find a place I really feel I belong.

Much of this new passion has been spurred on by several online classes I’ve been taking about selling one’s crafts. And a very supportive community of other crafters.
But another driving force has been a recent trip up north to Grand Marais on Lake Superior. A lake, no matter where on her shores I come too rest I feel at home.
I still want to travel and see Europe and Ireland and maybe even still Japan.
But I don’t want to come home to here. To my current life.
I written about my growing dislike for living in such an urban area, that’s definitely part of it. Living somewhere I can see the stars at night definitely appeals to me.
No, instead I want to come back to that lake. Where I feel I have the best chance of finding a life I’m never tired of. Maybe even where I am supposed to be.

I’m kind of tired of playing it safe, and saying things like if I just do this for another (insert number here) years I will be able to do this thing I’ve always wanted to do. So I will be more aggressive. I will throw my self out there more. Maybe that(insert number here) can be made smaller.
I know this will be hard and there may be much suck ahead of me. But I owe me this much. I owe that dreamer I used to be this.
My parents may yet be right, but I will happily embrace the life of a starving artist over this backup plan with no heart, if thats what it takes now.


If you can’t say something nice…

Something I haven’t included in this blog and most people would have is that me and my fiance bought a house…
almost 2 months ago…

This is big news right?
I should super super excited right?
She’s 111 years old and still has her figure. It’s not fair I know, the bitch.

Plus I have a craft room for the first time ever in my whole life. We just moved in last week, so it’s still a mess and full of boxes, so those pictures to come soon.
But needless to say my yarn is all in the same room for the first time in years.

But the moving process has been stressful to say the least.
I know, moving is almost always is stressful, but I’m really afraid things have been permanently stressed.
On my relationship with my fiance mainly.

A parent already has a fair amount of stress to deal with, a single one even more so. Now add a trying to coach their partner through being a parent. A kid with multiple prescriptions, and problems keeping up at school.  My tiny tiny wages keeping me from really contributing financially.  Etc, etc…

So I wanted to be overjoyed about the house, but very slowly things have been adding up and adding up.
And what may have been tiny things turn into bigger things.
Now in my mind so much about this house is associated with with those things.
And it’s been near impossible to be really happy about it all.
So I haven’t said anything, because if I can’t say anything nice- specially about my own home,
well should I say anything at all?

what to post when you haven’t been

So it’s almost two… yep two months since I last posted, and the longer I put it off, the harder it is to just sit down and write something. To write anything. Anything at all.

Part of the truth is I haven’t wanted to be any where near my computers. I haven’t been coding, I haven’t been designing or drawing, or painting… just knitting.
Remember the booties, the ambitious goal me and the fiancé had? Well I worked and worked on them, when I really wanted to be lace knitting, or working on my entrelac cowl or on the custom bike mittens someone asked for. But I spent november and december knitting booties. And that fine, but I like my knitting to engage me, and that why I do complicated projects. Unless I’m bored or tired or burnt out or all of those things and then I knit a rib stitch scarf or maybe even a bootie. Continue reading

so this other blog…

I’ve been reading a lot of other blogs lately or at least scanning them and marking them as read. By the way I’ve been using Feedly since google reader went away, have to say I like it. Design wise it’s easier on the eyes than Google was.  I also checked out Bloglovin and while they probably have a better selection of blogs Feedly is a lot faster at loading previews and the actual blogs. And right now it’s free, so there’s my two cents.

But back to my original point, I’ve noticed I am missing something from my crafty blog, I have no theme days or months. Like for example this one has WIP Wednesdays (WIP=work in progress). So I have been thinking maybe I could do Wino Wednesdays? Hmmm…

yes I always look this good when I drink wine, it's always out of a glass and not a mason jar and of course I never ever dribble it down my chin!
yes I always look this good when I drink wine, it’s always out of a glass and not a mason jar and of course I never ever dribble it down my chin!

Or if I want to keep it knitting related I could do FaWIP (FOEVER a work in progress). I could post my almost finished projects that have been almost finished for 1+ year now. I’ve been knitting ten years, I think I can keep this going for at least a couple months.

So tomorrow next Friday, the baby sweater….