why am I doing this, the post!

I should explain that I try very very hard not to be a judgey person, and I try to embrace what is beautiful in every body type.

But that being said I am over weight, and a lot of people would be in my position.
I spent five years as a full time student who spend most of her time sitting at a computer doing homework and when not doing that my preferred way to relax was again sitting on a couch with 2 needles and yarn. My sleep schedule was non-existent, I opened a coffee shop at 4:30 am half the week, while staying up to at least midnight to get work done after my child’s 8pm bed time. I considered it good night when I had 6 hours of sleep.
So five years of sitting a lot and not sleeping.So now with the support of a great partner I have started attending a crossfitt gym (or box, you call them boxes).

My goal is not to be skinny, but comfortable in my own skin again. I was a healthy size 10 who could lift around 200 lbs ( i worked in a warehouse) five years ago. By BMI standards I was still considered overweight then!  Crazy!

That  all being said, crossfit work outs can be crazy, just plain nuts. I don’t know what I was thinking. So I will complain about them for now and brag when I one day finish one of them at RX.  🙂

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