starting my year of making

So about a week ago, (about 2 years after it started being a thing probably) I read a blog entry from Lee Meredith who is probably one of my favorite designers/bloggers if only for her bold use of color and daring patterns.

Is this NOT amazing

But she’s also pretty funny if your into that kind of thing. Any-who, she mentioned how she was going to do the year of making.
Its simple, everyday you post a pic on Instagram that you’ve made, with the hashtag #yearofmaking. And it can be pretty much anything, Kim Werker, the author of Mighty Ugly seems to make a lot of soap & bake which has just been torture while I’m trying not to eat wheat for a month.

So I’ve decided to try it myself. One thing I can say after a week, is I feel like it’s giving myself credit for all the stuff I make anyway. I spent hours on those two brioche stitch cowls I sold, but I don’t even have pictures!
But now, even if I don’t knit or paint or whatever, I still probably cook right? So now I get to credit myself with those Palio Sweet Potato cookies.

IMG_20150117_201848There I made something! I MAKE! I CREATE!

So far I’m really enjoying the inspiration from other makers. As well as the motivation I’m personally feeling as an expert procrastinator to make anything suddenly around 4pm, so I don’t fail that day. I have kept my rules a little loose for myself, honestly if I just really clean something well I’m going to count it. Because I’ve “made” something clean!

Here is a small sample of my progress so far since I’ve started.
Yeah, most of it will be fiber related.
Enjoy your making! Woo!


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