another of #yearofmaking

So I know reading about another review of what I’ve been “making” sounds super exciting, but it helps keep me accountable to myself.

So bear with me…

Sunday the 25th.
I’ve been fiddling around with these tags for a while. Sewed the first one on to a cowl that was a custom job. I was a little worried the recipient would be offended that I “tagged” their gift with my logo. My intention was to make it feel more professional, like something you would buy in a store.
Kind of silly that I would aspire to make my hand knit items look more store bought.


Monday the 26th.
IMG_20150126_182328I was looking at my new tag and felt just pinning the yarn label onto the cowl would seem kind of cheep.
The illustrations turned out lovely, but the actual care instructions turned out backwards. I’m good at backwards it seems…
I’ve been asked what the name le ushé means, basically it is the name of the black and white cat.


IMG_20150127_084906Tuesday the 27th.
Another kitten, a friend named him the knitten kitten. I kind of love that.







Wednesday the 28th.
I hit the jack pot at the thrift stores on hand knit items last week, things that I would never have worn, but I loved what they were made from. I felt terrible doing this, so it took a while to start tearing them apart. But someone worked very hard on these. Now there is a tiny chance another knitter or sweater lover would have found these. But there is a bigger chance they may never have sold and ended up in the bin.

Or that’s what I keep telling myself.

Thursday the 29th.
IMG_20150130_000259Thursday I attended a quick class on how to make my own deodorant,  we also made body wash and  toothpaste.
It was pretty easy. It has also verified a lot of the DIY reading I’ve done, that with baking powder, baking soda, and vinegar, maybe an essential thrown in  you can strip paint from old work work, rid your face of blemishes,  make your puppy behave and help you loose that stubborn baby weight.




Friday the 30th.
IMG_20150131_001251This isn’t that awesome on it’s own, but hopefully this little guy will be joining others like him, in a satellite display here in Minnesota. I’m working on more and may add to this one yet.

You can find more information of the CROCHET CORAL REEF here.

It’s for a good cause and results in awesome art. If you live in Minneapolis, they have one of their bleached coral reefs on display now at the MIA.


Saturday the 31st.
IMG_20150201_004832This is part of a pattern I’ve been working on for a while. So I won’t give it all away now, but here is the fancy graph pdf with all the cable goodness. It took longer than it should have to make, a lesson to take better notes maybe.


So thats my week in review. At first it seemed so easy, but this week it was a little harder and I’m only a month in. The reality of a year of this is settling in, I have 334 more days to go. What do I do when I’m not feeling creative? Or just lazy? I’ve begun to start to understand the challenging part of this challenge.

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