Tag Archives: knitting

february challenge wrap up

February turned out to be a pretty good month.
I managed to finish both the cold sheep challenge and the Craft Challenges, I also completed a pair of Oddities for the reddit Kal. And I managed to start something for the Quarter 1 bust-a-long, though technically I might have started it in March.
I finished weaving in all the ends on projects thats have been just sitting around and were otherwise finished this week. Continue reading

some time management for a stubborn knitter

I have let the reddit dual KAL become all consuming. I barely finished a hat for my fiancé earlier this month. And while I did *finish knitting a pair of Oddities, they are heavily modified. So I started another pair trying to be more true to the pattern. And I did almost finish one, but after finding yet another mistake I have had to admit to myself, I kind of hate them. Continue reading

january challenge projects

My January projects are finished and submitted.
My 2015 Cold Sheep challenge:
IMG_20150126_012537It’s a mystery yarn purchased around 2004-2005, I don’t think it’s the oldest, but it’s old.
I’ll be donating it most likely along with any other baby hats I finish to a hospital or another charity.

The Tumblr Craft Challenges challenge…
I’ve already shared this but here you go.
IMG_20150123_115509Again I hope to be more creative this month.

I’m waiting on the next cold sheep challenge, I’m a little excited!

forever a work in progress #1

So here goes,
My first F-WIP. FaWIP #1

It’s the Pirate’s Cutie – Sweater from and oooollllldddd issue of Vogue’s Knit.1 from winter 2006/07.

Pirates_Cutie_Jolly_Roger_Baby_Set_Knit1_winter_2006_2007_medium vogueknit1winter0607_small

I started this adorable little sweater ( only my 2nd and last attempt and at a sweater since I started knitting ) at least five years ago, probably closer to 6. It was before I started school, part of the reason I never finished is because homework turned out taking a huge chunk out of my knitting time.
The second reason is sad, I think about it every time I look at the thing. I had a really bazar and sudden falling out with the friend who was having the baby that it would go to. So I even if I had finished it I probably wouldn’t have been able to give it to her. And now the little boy is starting kindergarten, and it wouldn’t really fit now.

I want to turn this bad memory around and find and other cute little person to give this to. I want to look at this sweater and smile again. But first I have to knit the 2nd sleeve.
Yep thats right, beside the collar thats all that needs to be done.


At this rate I’m guessing another 2 years at least.